Dungeon Chatter Podcast
Episode 3: C is for Character Creation
In this episode, Travis and Victoria discuss character
creation methods, including how the system functions in Blood of Heroes. We
create Han Solo using our heroic creation method.
Soundcloud Link
Works Discussed
AD&D, Middle Earth Role Playing (MERP), Rolemaster (RM),
Generic Universal Role Playing System (GURPS)
Video Games
I don’t think we touched on any specific ones here.
Star Wars
PBTRPG (Play by Tweet/Text RPG), PBM (Play by Mail), PBEM
(Play by Email). We also discuss charisma and interactions, specifically
regarding a party member (my son) who is on the autism spectrum but plays a
character with a high charisma. Probably worth an entire show on its own.
Show Notes
I think this was our best sounding podcast, from a technical
point of view. Realizing we need to reduce our mic pops a bit. Otherwise, this
was pretty crisp and clean.
The Pitch
Choose a profession, a training, and a hobby for your
character. We talked through a Han Solo character creation so viewers might be
familiar with the character we were trying to model.
Solo’s Attributes
Vehicle>Pilot>Falcon +3
Transport>Smuggler +2
Blaster +1
Remember: a +1 in our system is 1d20+1d6, a +2 is 1d20+2d6,
and a +3 is 1d20+3d6. A roll of 10 or greater is a success, so Solo would be
solid with the blaster (DL 44), very good as a smuggler, and exceptional as a
pilot. He was created using the heroic method, which gives characters excellent
starting skills to set them apart from the rabble.
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